Saturday, August 09, 2008


The first time I came across the term "Taking the Test" from an old Caesar from 840 BC. ,who albeit his Roman outlook is quite candid about italicizing his English swears ( and even reducing their font size) I kinda felt awkward about it.
Somehow it didn't sound right ... Like the sentences "It was I who did it " and "Whom did she ask out for a date?" I chose to ignore this irregular sounding "TAKE".
I was again corrected for the same phrase/idiom/irregularity/mistake by a lot of people like "The one on the net" , "the speed demon who defeats sound" and "the Bossssss".
Finally when I TOOK the test .. I found that I was taking nothing away ...
Bloody hell ... I would have done bally well to say I say took good scores or the score sheet .. but what do you take in a test ..
I firmly believe you give a test .. Because at the end of each test you know that you have left a bit of you in the test that will be evaluated electronically or otherwise .
Its like saying I took life imprisonment.
So after appearing for this test, all I have to say is "Gheun Takk"
BTW .. If you are wondering what's Gheun Tak ....
Check this out .... ""

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