Sunday, November 05, 2006

My first attempt

Hey this is my first attempt of writing a poetry.Please help me complete it.

Don't know where to find
The inputs resulting this state of mind.
This turing doesnt seem to work it should
Doesnt give any kind of output.
The original inputs I want to find them all
And then restart the winding fall
Halt it somewhere in between
And negate the bits of the stream
Maybe that could change the stateOr as in this case my fate
Now I think maybe the stream is all wrong
Or that the bits make a billabong
It doesnt take me anywhere
I stand midway and stare.

Comments of any type are welcome.....


Amit said...

Dude, I feel you are much better at Prose then Poem.

Anonymous said...

sclu this frkin comment box delete the prev cmment

****just like too much rain may blight
not just grime it loses all bite
enforced rhyme makes your creation trite
Simply feel the verse and better u write:) *****